No matter the industry, companies are focussed on making human labour more efficient and reducing energy consumption. COVID-19 accelerate the process rapidly, but even with vaccines, the spread spread of human resource-friendly solutions will soon become the standard, not the exception.
Significant changes are taking place around the world right now! The fight against an invisible, insidious enemy will leave a mark on economic life for a long time to come. The crisis caused by the COVID-19 virus has introduced new elements into the market, creating demand for new products and services while setting higher expectations for existing ones. Some sectors are deeply affected by this transformation, whereas others feel it only superficially. No matter the depth of the transformation, all industries are now focussed on replacing or minimising human labour. This is not a new phenomenon, as profit-oriented, efficiency-focused businesspeople have already initiated this process across various industries. Soon, the spread of human resource-friendly solutions will accelerate rapidly. GWR nanotechnology epitomises this new direction.
For decades, the construction industry has had to mobilise serious resources to make the most of a workforce that is often unpredictable in terms of quality and quantity. From an international perspective, there are three main ways of dealing with this issue. The first focuses the most on specific management activities to motivate and control the workforce. The second emphasises automation solutions, where machines and automated processes reduce the need for manpower. The third and most modern direction is the use of new technologies that fundamentally speed up construction, make work easier, and simplify use, thus increasing the efficiency of physical work in terms of both time and quality. GWR nanotechnology exemplifies this modern approach. Its installation process simplifies and speeds up work, thus significantly reducing quality issues and wage costs; i.e., it generates serious profits for the customer.